Using Regular Expressions in Java

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Jarek, sorry for the confusion. Here by default limit is 0.

You should always check the javadoc of the method if you are not sure. String in Java Java J2EE JavaFX JavaME Original comma separated String : Android, Windows 8,iOS, Symbian Splitting String using split method in Java Android Windows 8 iOS Symbian Space separated String before split : String Split Example in Java Space separated String after split String Split Example in Java That's it on How to split String in Java using delimiter and regular expression. However, if you do pass a more complex expression, it reverts to compiling a new pattern and here the behavior should be the same as that on Java 6. Check out the split method in the String class.

Java - String split() Method - So the length of the match is end - start.

It never returns null. You should always check the javadoc of the method if you are not sure. For example says This method works as if by invoking the two-argument split method... From Javadoc you can also find out what kind of exceptions can happen and more importantly why were those exceptions thrown. Also one very important thing to check is if the classes are thread safe or not. Paul: No, but if null could be returned, it or the Pattern split docs would say so. All the answers here just tell you the answer but you should really see for yourself. You can download the Java source code from look near the bottom of the page. The return value comes from a non-null ArrayList on which toArray is called. So in the end, no, you don't have to check for null.

Java Video Tutorial 19
The difference is that the former is faster since the regex was already compiled. The outcome can be inferred from: Returns an Array object into which substrings of the result of converting this object to a Prime have been stored. Further Reading If you'd like a more detailed overview of all the functionality offered by the java. The substrings are determined by searching from left to right for occurrences of separator; these occurrences are not string split if no match java of any substring in the returned array, but serve to difference up the String value. All of the overhead from object creation and garbage collection adds up, especially if there are multiple splits per loop, nested loops, etc. If you are familiar with Java Regular Expression, then split regex method is similar to Pattern. It leaves the developer the autobus on when it would be useful to use String or Pattern split, based on a known pattern. The string split method breaks a given string around matches of the given regular expression. Since this method accepts a Java regular expression, it throws PatternSyntaxExceptionif the syntax of the xi expression is invalid. I also want to check if the string has '-' in it. Jarek, sorry for the confusion.